
Dr. P. Jeyanthi, a university rank holder in her postgraduate degree has been serving the college as Head of the Department of Mathematics besides being a member of the ‘College Committee’ right from its inception in 1987. She has been promoted as Principal from June 2011. She has to her credit, worthy total teaching experience of 33 years by handling classes for both undergraduate and postgraduate students.
She has been awarded Ph.D Degree by Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Tirunelveli in 2005. She has been a recognized guide for Ph.D., at Manonmaniam Sundranar University, Tirunelveli. Twelve research scholars have been awarded Ph.D. degree under her able guidance and she has been guiding three Ph.D., research scholars. She is an illustrious referee of thirty one reputed international journals and ten national journals. She is also an acclaimed reviewer of “Mathematical Reviews” USA and zb MATH. Serving as a ‘Guest Editor’ she brought out a special issue on “Graph Theory” in February 2010 by the “International Journal of Algorithm Computing and Mathematics”. She served as “Managing Editor’ for the journal ‘International Journal of Mathematics and Soft Computing’ from 2011 to 2018. Exhibiting her research bent of mind she has published 154 research papers – 34 in well refereed Indian journals and 120 in well refereed foreign journals. Her citation index consists of : Citations: 1009; h-index 14; i10-index 32. Her Research Gate Score is 22.93. Web of Science ID: AAF-57062020 SCOPUS ID:55935366000 ORCID . 0000-0003-4349-164X.
She has evaluated eleven Ph.D., theses and also conducted five Ph.D Public Viva voce examinations. Her Ph.D., thesis has been published by Lambert Academic Publishing Company,(LAP) Germany, as an E-book under the title “ Studies in Graph Theory-Magic labeling and Related Concepts” [ISSN: 978-3-8484-8619-9]. As a true researcher and academician she is a member of a professional body of international standard and a life member of three professional bodies of national standing.