Student-Centric Activities
College Union & Affiliated Associations
The college union is the main organization of the student body of the college. It consists of:
- All the affiliated associations of the college
- All the students on roll of the college
- The staff members are in charge of the union and the various associations
The Student Chairman, Secretary, and the Joint Secretary are selected by the staff council. The Students Chairman and Secretary will be selected from the final year classes only. The Joint Secretary will be selected from the second year classes.
The union operates through the main committee, a sub-Committee of secretaries of all the affiliated associations under the patronage of the Principal who is the Ex-Officio President of the union. Two senior members of the teaching faculty nominated by the Principal are the advisers of the union.
Dr. J. Ananthi Banu – Adviser
Dr. S. Anitha – Adviser
Ms. A. Jeba Gnancy, III B.Sc., Physics. – Union Chairman
Ms. U. Kubetha, III B.B.A., – Union Secretary
The aims of the union are to enhance the personality of the students and to encourage social and cultural activities among the students.
We encourage our students to take part in Co-Curricular, Extra-Curricular, Extension and other activities. Apart from these student oriented activities, every year College Day, Graduation Day and Sports Day are the special occasions to be cherished by both the students and the staff.
The associations of twelve programmes offered in the institution act as a platform for the students in organizing many co-curricular activities to exhibit their creative talents and inner potentials in their respective disciplines.
Various committees and clubs such as Youth Welfare, Quiz, Citizen Consumer Club, Aanmeega Valarchi Kazhagam and Nature club of our college play a vital role in enhancing the students’ overall personality and inculcating the qualities of leadership and teamwork.
Youth Welfare:
Staff -in-Charge: Dr.M.Kalaiselvi, Department of Mathematics
- Organizing Youth Festival (on-stage and off- stage Events) function for every year.
- Arranging prize distribution for the winners of youth festival on Founder’s Day.
Motivating and making the students to participate in the competitions conducted by other colleges.
Quiz club:
Staff -in-Charge: Dr.A.Suganthi, Department of Physics
- Conducting IAS Model Examination and Bank Model Examination for all students.
- Motivating the students to participate in the competitions conducted by other colleges.
Value Education:
Staff -in-Charge: Dr.M.A.Suganthi, Department of Tamil
- Conducting value education classes on every Friday with particular topic.
- Arranging Essay competition at the end of the year and distributing prizes to winners.
Citizen Consumer Club:
Staff -in-Charge: Mrs.S.Revathi, Department of Commerce
- Arranging exhibition to explore “Natural and Healthy Foods”.
- Celebrating World Consumer Rights Day every year on March 12.
- Organizing lectures like consumer rights and laws by inviting advocates.
- Conducting competitions such as elocution, verse writing and drawing to create awareness of consumer rights, duties, roles etc.
Aanmeega Valarchi Kazhagam:
Staff -in-Charge: Dr.C.Srimathy, Department of Tamil
- Celebrating Krishna Jeyanthi & Vinayagar Chathurthi.
- Arranging Golu in UG Hostel & Celebrating Navarathri
- Conducting Examination Jointly with Vivekananda Kentra, Kanyakumari once in a year.
- Organising Two Vilaku Poojas per semester.
- Celebrating Grand Vilaku Pooja for final year Students.
Women’s Welfare Cell:
Staff-in-Charge: Dr.D.Sheela Jebasta, Department of Commerce
- Celebrating women’s day every year.
- Conducting competitions in connection with women’s rights and role of women in the present scenario.
- Arranging guest lectures and various events on women empowerment.
Gandhian Thought Committee:
Staff-in-Charge: Dr.R.Bhavani,Department of Commerce
- Conducting certificate course on Gandhian Thought.
- Celebrating Martyrs’ Day.
- Conducting competitions to inculcate Gandhian principles in the minds of students.
National Day Celebration Commitee:
Staff -in-Charge: Dr.S. Karpagavalli, Department of Physics
- Celebrating Independence Day and Republic Day.
- Conducting Competitions on Independence Day & Republic Day.
The National Service Scheme, Road Safety Patrol and Youth Red Cross of our institution organize various extension activities and outreach programmes to bring out the virtues of service to the society and the social responsibility in the minds of young ones.
National Service Scheme (NSS) -Unit No. 49 & 50
Programme Officers:
Unit No. 49 – Dr.R. Shantha, Department of Tamil
Unit No. 50 – Dr.M. Jansirani, Department of Chemistry
- Celebrating secular celebrations
- Cleaning college campus
- Arranging Coastal Cleaning Programme
- Organizing road safety awareness program
- Organizing special camp to drive enrollment voters and voters awareness program
- Organising one-week special camp in the village during the camp period
- Planting tree saplings, organising medical camps and blood donation camp.
Road Safety Patrol:
Staff -in-Charge: Dr.M.Jansirani, Department of Chemistry
- Educating Road Safety Rules and Regulations
- Creating awareness regarding safety measures for preventing major accidents
- Motivating and guiding students to serve others
- Conducting several awareness programs and lectures
Youth Red Cross (YRC):
Program Officer: Dr.P. Jamuna, Department of Commerce
- Arranging Healthy food Exhibition
- Creating ‘Voting Awareness among the students
- Arranging Rain Water Harvesting Rally from our college to nearby village Gandhipuram.
- Arranging tree plantation programme and motivating the students to plant medicinal value plants in our college campus
- Conducting wealth from waste products exhibition and giving prize to the best products
- Inculcating cleanliness to students by cleaning the campus and making a green campus with them
Student Welfare Associations are functioning in our college which is concerned with the general welfare of the students outside the classroom. These are organizing meetings and programmes consistently for the students which contribute to the growth and development of their overall personality.
Placement Cell:
Placement Officer: Ms.K.Rathika, Department of Computer Science
- Conducting career guidance programs and workshops for the final year students with efficient trainers.
- Arranging campus interviews for outgoing students in every year.
Alumni Association:
Staff -in-Charge: Dr.M.Thangeswari, Department of English
- Organizing Alumnae meeting on 26th January every year.
- Conducting several competitions during the course of study and distributing the prizes on alumnae meet (26th January).
- Arranging two alumnae association meetings yearly.
Magazine Committee:
Staff -in-Charge: Dr. J. Jacquline Amelia, Department of Physics
Library Committee
Staff -in-Charge: Mrs.S. Unnamalai , Librarian
Library has an association named “Chendhur Vattam”. Under this association, library organizes the following activities every year.
- Giving orientation lecture to the students at the beginning of the academic year and whenever required.
- Giving a pamphlet named ‘Know Your Library’ to all freshers which contain the details like rules and regulations, arrangements of books and periodicals, and the various services provided by the library, etc.
- Organizing book exhibition every year and 15% discounts are given for the students and faculty for each book purchased in the exhibition.
- Motivating the students by giving ‘Best User Award’ to inculcate the reading habit.
- Doing a daily activity “Enrich Your English”, an English word with its meaning and a simple sentence is displayed in two notice boards placed at lobby & library.
- On behalf of National Digital Library of India Club (NDLI Club) of Govindammal Aditanar College, ‘NDLI Awareness Program’ and ten events are conducted every year.
Physical Education:
Physical Directress: Mrs.J.Josephin Priyanka
- Conducting Annual sports day in every February.
- Encouraging and preparing the students to take part in the sports activities conducted by various levels such as inter-collegiate level, state level etc.